School Report Card
The Oklahoma State Department of Education has changed the way the create the school report cards. Since we had fewer than 25 test in several categories, you will not see our overall report card grade should be a B. If you notice, we do not have an overall grade. However, in the categories where there is no grade showing, we earned a B in Academic Growth (on the students we tested) and we earned an A in English Language Proficiency Progress. I have an email from the SDE stating:
It looks like you do not have an Overall letter grade here because you did not have enough students included in the Growth indicator. In order for a school to have an Overall letter grade, the comparison needs to be meaningful. Since you did not have at least 25 students included in Growth, we were not able to publicly produce an Overall letter grade. For next year, as long as the school population remains the same, you will see an Overall Letter grade for the 2023 report card since we will have a previous year’s worth of Growth data we can apply if you do not meet the minimum n-size of 25 for the current year.
If I were to just use 2022 data for Growth and ELPA and added up the other indicators, it looks like you would have fallen into the range of a B for your Overall Letter grade.